“The Calanque” by Zidrou and Jordi Lafebre

The Calanque by Zidrou

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

There are times when a pick-me-up is necessary, and for this Zidrou’s stories so far have been perfect.

The sequel to the wonderful Southbound! by Zidrou and Jordi Lafebre again brings us on a French vacation of the Falderault family who are as always leaving Belgium to enjoy a few weeks of summer sunshine on a countryside trip.

Nothing happens besides family moments — some sweet, some funny, some plainly adorable. And so alive with the sort of life in which it’s impossible to imagine not wanting to immerse yourself in for at least a little bit. A family, with strong ties and corny jokes, and most of all love. Nothing saccharinely sweet but just plain lovely.

This is a lighter story than the first volume, with fewer cracks in the family that need to be mended, with a bit more carefree spirit, with everything that a few years later serves as a foundation to hold this lovely family together. And it’s wonderful.

I love it.

4.5 stars.

My review of the first story in the series, Southbound!: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show…

Buddy read with Dennis

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